About World Wide Engineering

You are familiar with the situation. On one hand the companies are claming that they can not find the right personnel, knowing that there are many engineers, that are looking for a new job. On the other hand the engineers clame that they cannot find the right job, knowing that a lot of companies constantly seeks engineers. It does not seem likely that the parties can find each other! This is exactly the idear of world wide engineering.

World Wide Engineering brings the companies and the engineers together!

This homepage is an open and free opportunity to find technical assistance. We are a small team who have started this homepage as a hobby in 1997. We aim to assist engineers in finding the right job and to help companies find the right engineer. On a long term basis the goal of this homepage is to serve engineers in a wide range of ways. For instance with finding the product that could match their specific need. 

Foto of Knud Storgaard and Lena Dyrdal

Above you can see a foto of some of us: Designer and Webmaster Lena Dyrdal and Knud Storgaard.

E-mail: ks@wwe.dk