Assign your Presentation/Resume to World Wide Engineering (wwe)

Do you wish to be a part of wwe? If you are an engineer looking for new opportunities, and have your own homepage you can freely assign your link (URL) here. After filling out the form below you have to click the "send"-button. We will then as soon as possible add your URL to this homepage.

You decide when to leave. Your link will be removed from wwe, when you ask us to.

In the space for qualifications you write your special qualifications, that there is a demand for on the job market. This is your advertisement headline.  Our Search Program looks only in the qualification index. Please test the result.

URL - Link to your homepage (max 200 charater)

Your E-mail adress                               Your designation (Civil/Chemistry/...)

Your qualifications that will be used in index (max 200 charater)